Cleverly designed to operate much like a roller blind, Dual Shade Blinds are equally simple to use. Because their fabric combines translucent and opaque horizontal strips, layered at the window, you gain better control over the balance of light and privacy.
Each blind comes with a control chain that moves individual translucent and opaque strips past each other. The more translucent strips you leave exposed, the more filtered light you let in. It’s a revolutionary design that makes Lumen blinds perfect for letting in the light you want without compromising on privacy.
Dual Shade Blinds from Leading Home Deco boast a sophisticated, contemporary feel that would suit a more modern home. And of course, as with all roller blinds, the fabric pulls all the way up, giving you a clear view of the outside world. So you truly can have the best of both worlds.
The motorised system is also available for Dual Shade blinds